I love food.. which is why I am fat.. ok not huge fat.. but overweight and the reason why all my jeans are tight on my behind.
I have two picky eaters in my family... my 2 year old son.. and my husband. My 2 year old likes pretty simple and a lot of healthy raw foods.. and my husband is a little bit of a "gourmet" eater.. so if its fancy he would probably like it. He doesn't like anything creamy or cheesy because he is lactose intolerant.. he doesn't like a lot of dessert things.. and there are a lot of flavors he just doesn't care for. So naturally I have a hard time making stuff that everyone likes. And lets be honest.. sometimes I am just going to make stuff that I like and I don't care about the opinions of my two picky (and adorable) monsters.
Hope you like the food you see!
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